🎓 Mastery in 3-6 D Fan Making

Duration: 1 days                     Level: Intermediary 

Course price: 1000 RON             

Course Available in: Romanian, English

Mini Gift: 2 tweezers from our MOOIIO collection (worth 118 lei)

Eyelash Mastery course is designed for Lash Artists with an experience of at least 3 months after graduating from Eyelash Extensions Beginner course. 

Who needed this course?

  • Lash artist who is passionate in lash extension and wanted to learn the fan making technique.
  • Lash artist who is struggling in slow process and wanted to speed up the lash application procedure. (From 4 hrs reduce to 2 hours work time)
  • Lash artist who is struggling with bad retention. 

What will you learn? 

  • What determine a good retention?
  • How to improve great retention?
  • Common mistake lead to bad retention.
  • Volume lashes, what diameter to use?
  • Revolution in W lashes
  • Eyelash Tweezers - Hot to select and proper handling of lash tweezers
  • Golden Rules in lash application - Distance, Direction, Placement
  • Understand your Adhesive
  • Removing Excessive Adhesive correctly
  • Adhesive Dipping Method 
  • Micro Drop Method
  • Formations of Fans in 3 ways
  • Recognize the width of Fans
  • Wrapping Technique
  • Sealing Technique
  • Hooking technique
  • Work in layer
  • Express volume

Bonus !!

  • Client Registration Form
  • Client Health Declaration Form
  • Patch Test Form

Course Program

0900-1100  Theories
1100-1300  Practice in fan making
1300-1330  Lunch Break
1330-1730  Practice on live model
1730-1800  Graduation, photo session

What will you get by the end of the course:

  • Diploma issues from Mooiio Lash
  • Unlimited post-course support
  • 15% discount for eyelash advance course/ lamination course
  • 15% discount for life on our website
  • Promotion of stylist on our website
  • Printed manual


  1. Payments can be made in Cash or Card at the Academy 
  2. Or via Online Bank Transfer
  3. Payment can be made in 2 installments - a deposit of 500 lei will be collected to reserve a place in the course and the difference will be paid on the first day of the course before the start.
  4. In case of no-show (or withdrawal 3 days before the start of the course) at the course for which an advance payment of 500 RON was made, considering the limited places and the impact on the study group, the advance of 500 RON remains paid with title of administrative fee and will not be reimbursed.
  5. In exceptional situations (for example, serious illness), you can ask for a full refund of the fee, provided you attach documents to prove your request.The ORGANIZER will make a decision on the refund on a case-by-case basis depending on the request and the related supporting documents.
  6. The ORGANIZER reserves the right to cancel any course if not enough participants have registered. In these situations we will refund the entire amount paid

Cristina Degi
Cursanta curs extensii de gene

Am aflat de MOOIIO Salon&Academy de pe facebook, iar motivul pentru care am ales sa urmez cursul a fost atractia fata de meseria de lash artist. Eram foarte pasionata de acest domeniu uitandu-ma zilnic la alti lash artist de pe internet si am zis sa incerc si eu. Mi-a placut acest curs pentru ca mi-au fost explicate toate neclaritatile si am invatat de la cel mai bun trainer o meserie foarte frumoasa si pe lângă meseria aceasta am primit si multe sfaturi care o sa ma ajute foarte mult pe viitor in acest domeniu. Atentia acordata pe toata durata cursului este un alt lucru care mi-a placut cât si seriozitatea si implicarea. A fost o experienta minunata din care am invatat foarte multe lucruri, si pe lângă asta am intalnit oameni extraordinari si profesionisti. Cu siguranta o sa revin sa fac si alte cursuri. Recomand cu mare drag si altor fete care vor sa pornească pe acest drum de lash artist